
New D&D 5e game starting

We decided to play a little D&D 5e. Rather than play in Forgotten Realms, we'll be using a GM sandbox setting which the players (that means me) know very little about other than lots of arid plains.
Characters were generated by rolling 4d6, drop lowest, in order of Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha and choosing race+class based on what we think would be most fun using those numbers. Zero attribute shifting was allowed. However, if totaled attribute bonuses wound up negative, player could choose to roll a whole new set of attributes. We are beginning at 3rd level.
With big Dex and Cha, I chose to play a Bard and, just to make things interesting, I'll be playing a Dragonborn. Isaac settled on a Human Druid and we're waiting on a couple of new-to-us players to sit down and generate characters.
This will be an interesting experiment to see if we get a decently well-rounded party. Character generation in this manner is a throw-back to the 1970s where it was recommended to roll in order of attributes and choose accordingly. It mixes things up pretty well. We will certainly have less "optimized" characters, but what's fun about power gaming, anyway?

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