A recent post to the Savage Worlds Yahoo! group saw a brief flurry of activity today. I have taken the liberty of posting the relevant bit and my response. Names and dates have been removed to protect the guilty.
=== cue original equerry ===
> Hello,
> Well, the time has finally come and I am nervous. I'm trying to get
> ready for my first game and would love some tips for the game. How
> should I prepare? What should I focus on?
=== end querry ===+++ begin response +++
It doesn't matter what you focus on. You, invariably, forget something seemingly important.
It is NOT important and here's why:
1-- If it's rules, you can wing-it or look it up. Winging it is faster.
2-- If it's character sheets, you can always use a Mk. I Generic sheet (blank piece of paper)
3-- Pencils? Who needs 'em anyway. They're an excuse for people to maintain lazy memory functions!
4-- Dice? Hah! Rock-Paper-Scissors rules!!!
5-- Bennies? Phooey! You have a pocket full of pennies, nickels and dimes right?
6-- Cards (for Iniative, etc)? Bah! Those're for sissies, anyway. Make something up. Chits drawn from a hat or bag, dice rolls, who can do the most pistol-squats without hold onto something for balance... Whatever.
7-- Miniatures? You're kidding, right? Do you remember how to imagine things? This is, after all, Make Believe, isn't it?
Just remember that you WILL somehow screw up. Admit it (most importantly to yourself and then to your players) and just play right on through it. DO NOT GO BACK AND "fix" A MISTAKE. Just roll with it. It will help you remember how to handle it better next time.
If you and your players are having fun, you are doing everything right even if it's not "by the book."
+++ end response +++Are YOU a first-time games master? Be sure to read the part of my response that's clearly highlighted. Tape it to your bathroom mirror and the edge of GM screen. It's the absolute most important thing you will ever read when it comes to being a games masster, garaunteed.
1 comment:
Take it from a long-time game master, a few of us could do well to pay more attention to the above hints from time to time.
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